First and Last Name *
Are you enjoying the in house sessions being provided? *YesNoOther
If you answered "Other" to the above question, please specify:
What would you like to learn more about in our in house sessions? *
Which format of in house sessions do you find the most valuable? *Coaching with Sarah Lunn or Marc RonanRealtor PanelsGuest SpeakersOpen DiscussionHands On TrainingOther
Do you prefer to attend in house sessions in person or virtually? *In PersonVirtually
Do you watch recorded sessions found on the Ronan Realty Online internal website? *YesNoOther
What can be done differently to encourage your attendance to in house sessions? *
Is there a specific time you would prefer in house sessions to take place? *10:00am start11:00am startOther
Where would you like to see more sessions from in The Expert Institute calendar? *TRREBBDAR (ITSO)Lakelands (ITSO)CREAOREACINCColdwell BankerOther
Please share any additional feedback you may have. *